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Science in Society

Together with Nicola Weber, Regan teaches the level 3 undergraduate module 'Science in Society' at the University of Exeter. Students study the two-way interaction between society and science, (i.e. what society wants from or perceives scientists,) and learn how scientists can engage different parts of society in research. We also investigate why there is sometimes a divide between scientists and society. 

As a final assessment, students produce an outreach project that educates or otherwise engages the public in some form of cutting-edge scientific research. Some of these projects are simply incredible and we want to give them due credit by sharing them below. Of course we can only host the projects that are web-friendly, but there are countless other amazing creations that we unfortunately cannot feature.

If you are interested in knowing more about specific projects please contact the students directly, but if you have a general interest in the module please do get in touch either with Regan, through our contact page or via twitter.


Ethical Eats

by Abi Gwyn

Ethical Eats is an environmentally-minded recipe book. Each recipe substitutes some of the most environmentally damaging and unethical ingredients with alternatives that help you reduce you environmental impact.

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Living with Wolves

My website is aimed at farmers or ranchers who are concerned about wolves spreading or being reintroduced into their local areas. As well as discussing why the reintroduction of wolves is important and beneficial, it provides information on some of the options available for livestock management that can protect against wolves, what scientific evidence there is for their success, and how they can be implemented.


Last Chance to See UK

Some of the most iconic and celebrated British animals are in decline. Even hedgehogs and songbirds, like the Skylark, are becoming harder to find. This book journeys throughout the UK, searching for species that have begun to fall in number and to answer the question, why this may be the last chance to see them.


Snowshoe Hares

Snowshoe hares change their coat colour from white in the winter, to brown in the summer. This change in colour enables them to use camouflage to hide from any potential predators all year round. As our planet warms, the time of snow cover is changing and leaving snowshoe hares with extended periods in which their coats do not ‘match’ their surroundings. In this game, play as a coyote or a human hunter to help us examine whether this mismatch will influence the effectiveness of snowshoe hare camouflage.

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